Criminal Defense
If you are facing criminal charges, you need a skilled criminal defense team with the experience and resources to defend you effectively no matter what charges have been brought against you.
A criminal conviction can have devastating effects on you or a loved one’s future. No one can protect your rights better than a criminal defense attorney. Reece Law is a highly skilled and aggressive firm that will defend and exhaust all legal options.
Do not jeopardize your freedom. You cannot afford mistakes if you are facing criminal charges. We take pride in our unique strategies and meticulously examine your case from multiple angles in order to best defend you.
Contact us immediately if you face criminal charges.

Contact Us
Fighting to protect your rights throughout the DFW Metroplex and all across Texas. At Reece Law, we understand the seriousness of all legal matters and the precautions necessary to mitigate issues. It is best to contact a lawyer at the earliest possible time to protect your rights.
Please fill out the form with detailed information regarding your case. A team member will reach out to you as soon as possible. If you are needing immediate assistance, please call 214.336.7986.